Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Doing the Lord’s work there, Gabrielle!

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Hundo percent, as my teens say.

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Am going to start saying that!! Ha!!!

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

LOL And channel a 16 yo boy from the Bay Area when you do.

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Brilliant. Honestly. I have never loved or respected you more. And that’s saying something. Because I always think that I have never loved or respected you more.

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I appreciate your organized brain and words! Too many people who should know how our system works (lawmakers and pundits) are showing their ignorance by calling for Biden to stand down. I hope we're all taking notes and taking them off the "trustworthy" list? Perhaps, rather than complaining, Abigail Disney and Rob Reiner could team up, hire some expert writers, and produce a whole new slate of Schoolhouse Rock videos to educate the masses on our political system and governance? Thanks, again, for your clarity.

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Excellent!!! Should be required reading for all voters!!!

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

How do I plaster this masterpiece everywhere?

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Another great Project 2025 resource is the research/essays that @sharonsaysso has posted!

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I enjoy your essays. I especially appreciated this one. It represents exactly how I feel about President Biden and the circumstances we find ourselves in. The best part of this essay is when you said you, “trust Black women”. It’s the most important decision any of us will make this year, just as we did in 2020. So, for anyone who has doubts about this decision please talk to a Black woman. She will offer the most objective assessment of the landscape and which candidate is best able to protect our democracy. Also true for all candidates up and down the ballot.

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Thank you for your thoughts, but I still have so many concerns about Biden. I have spoken with voters who say in good conscience that they won’t vote for a candidate that they believe is age-impaired. Sure Trump is more impaired and flat out crazy, but that may not be enough to gain votes. Crazy Trump and Project 2025 might convince these voters to stay home, but I worry that they aren’t going to vote for Biden. Democratic leaders continue to dismiss these concerns, but Biden’s own campaign performance is making this race too close. His debate performance and his physical presence at public events is concerning. That may be inconvenient to admit, but it isn’t wrong. And people aren’t engaging in conspiracies or advocating for Trump by acknowledging this reality. It’s not a media creation; we can watch it ourselves in real time. The fact that he is in office is not proof that he is capable (e.g.,Reagan’s entire second term). I still have not seen a convincing argument for why it is impossible for Biden to step aside and dems to run a different candidate. It is not ideal, but is it impossible? Plenty of voters have expressed from the beginning that they didn’t want a Biden-Trump rematch. I’ll vote for Biden if he remains in the race - I’d vote for anyone besides Trump, but I am genuinely concerned that he is hurting our chances by staying in this race.

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He’s going to remain in the race. I’m glad to hear he’s got your vote.

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Say it louder for the people in the back! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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Jul 8Liked by Gabrielle Blair

One hundred million percent to every word of this!!!!

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Brava and Amen a thousand times, my friend!

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Oof, I agree that Biden has done a decent job these last few years under difficult circumstances, and that at half his age I do half as much and still want to take a nap. But he needs to step aside. He needs to give us an actual chance to win this election. We can't unsee what happened at that debate, and to try to convince us that it *wasn't that bad* is the very flavor of gaslighting we'd never tolerate if it came from the other party.

Why are we making excuses for Biden? Do we *really* believe he's "the only one" who can beat Trump? Why are we ignoring the fact that 86% of Americans say he's too old? Why haven't we tapped the immense, diverse, under-60 talent available among Democratic congress members and governors?

I trust Black women too, but I also think they don't have the freedom to express their true wishes ... not the way that privileged white college students protesting Gaza do. Tens of thousands of Latino, Black, and other voters have defected to Trump since 2020, and tens of thousands of young voters are so disillusioned with both options that they plan to stay home. We're not listening: we're just ... hoping.

Republicans and their cronies in the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 have been playing the long game, running tactical playbooks and uniting around a consistent, repeating set of messages. Meanwhile, the White House has been taking whole swaths of voters for granted, speaking more than they listen, and crossing their fingers. Hope isn't gonna save us this time. We need a new plan.

Look at France. Look at the UK. Sure, five weeks of campaigning and fundraising and candidate wrangling is going to feel chaotic — but it's also going to light a fire under those of us who want to avoid fascism, losing our rights, and living under a joker again. At least we will have tried. If Biden stubbornly insists on sticking this out and he loses, he will go down in history as the old man who lost democracy for America.

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I agree with this, although would give him more credit for being a very good president, but being president and winning a campaign require different skill sets. The only other thing I would add is that pointing out that Biden has already won all the primary votes is a bit disingenuous since there was no open primary. How many of us didn’t even bother to go to the polls during the dem primaries since he was essentially running unopposed? Many according to the turn out figures. As for trusting black women, I certainly trust them, especially one in particular: Kamala. Biden’s refusal to step out, indicates HE doesn’t trust she could win (despite polling to the contrary) as all the primary votes would go to her. Finally, it’s not hardcore dems we are all worried about. It is the indies in the middle who will decide this race and right now they’ve made it clear they don’t like either candidate and could likely stay home. That’s a problem.

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The primary claim it absolutely disingenuous. I understand that Biden is the incumbent and you don’t want to waste campaign resources when your party is in office. But his age was always going to be a concern and should have made this primary unique. As democrats we never had a chance to voice our concerns about his age and opt for a different democrat. To suggest that he is the choice of rank and file democrats is not accurate.

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