Thank you for this. 100% agree. We have sooooo much work to do in unraveling the deep mythology around masculinity in our culture — not to mention replacing it with something healthier and more productive.

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Oh goodness, preach it, Gabrielle! 100% agree. Also thankful I married a guy who worked as a house cleaner for a couple of years -- he taught the kids how to clean the bathroom and how to wash up. He's hands-on for tons of our stuff, but there's no way he'd ever allow a gun in our lives, phew. And yes, he wants to protect us but more than that he wanted to teach our kids how to live this life well, and that's how they've turned out. (And my boys do the bathrooms for their homes), and all of my kids cook and invite people in and are activists in humane pursuits. Soooo grateful for my husband and for our kids. Keep preaching!

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And this is what makes a Father great, if a child especially boys it seems has good rounded hands on responsible loving parenting/relationship from he's Dad he is very unlikely to obtain a gun and shot people.

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Heaven forbid the intrusion come in the middle of the night. My husband sleeps like the dead, so I would be the one who wakes up. How do I know?....many years of babies waking in the middle of the night and I was the only one who heard them.

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Spot on👏🏻Thank you for calling out this nonsense and continuing to keep a spotlight on the issue of gun violence plaguing our country.

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I LOVED This!!! Agree 1000 percent!

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🎯🎯🎯…every single one of your scenarios makes complete sense…to the sensible!!! I can only imagine said tote-carrying man-protectors turning their noses up to actually doing legitimate things to protect their families such as laundry, cleaning etc. And even if an intruder happens to break-in one’s home in the middle of the night, getting a gun from a locked box/cabinet, where all guns are supposed to be kept when children are in the house when one’s goal is to protect their family, might not give one enough time to do said protecting.

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I live in an area where this hero protector dad is prevalent. I'm so thankful that my husband has been in the trenches for our children where it really matters - no guns involved.

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My hubby also pointed out that : "...some men ( obvi more than just some;as there are more certified gun dealers & even shooting ranges, than McDonald Corporation® restaurants in the USA; but also inclusive to all Genders, too) report the feel of Adrenaline Rush - the Dopamine Hits - they received the first time they use a weapon; the ASSAULT WEAPON IS NOT the Gateway Drug...it be ones the Drug of Choice - the Rounds of Ammunition PROLONGS this Drug-like feeling...and undoubtedly, has changed brain wave and development. Many former Soldiers report: "...only feeling WHOLE after war zone Duty whether they have - or even diagnosed by PTSD or NOT..the "NOT," be oming increasingly more important part of the missing conversation in mental health circles and conversations AND take Time.... The Process is actually Years at USA Veterans Facilities (which are being reduced or even Closed, as we speak, in 2022...) And if there is Documented Data, Numbers and Grounded Stats they need to come out of Specialty Journals onto Our Front Page Headlines...YEARS versus seconds that ONE LIVE AMMO Rounds...makes the Mental Health Piece Realistically come off the Table Now if we Care about Our Future, Our Children, Human Life....but my husband has the Point Premise:

We are Talking about Male Pleasure, first. And over the last decades - some Women have joined these numbers..but like the character portrayed by Tom. Cruise in the film, "TAPS," glorified Assault Weapons: "....It Feels GOOD MAN!!!!!!" In a scene just before the Final last minutes as the character Mows down machine gun-style is former classmates at a military academy, we presume he has known for at least his years in the school.

Gun Ownership such as we have allowed increasingly since the end of the Vietnam War, is not Upholding American Citizenship Rights Guaranteed under the Second Amendment... It is steeped in Upholding MALE PLEASURE, and PTSD, and GREED, in a plethora of ways Upholding the GENisis of this Concept: the NRA, Congressional (Bad) Law(s), Women joining a BAD I

IDEA gone horribly, deadly wrong under many justifications ( probably indoctrinated from Male Pleasure: " If you own a gun...you'll be safe against those male rapists,

; Join me on the Gun Range..." Only to experience the SURGE of False POWER, CONTROL and chemical biology that Men BEFORE them experience and CRAVE...Dopamine HITS & Adrenaline Rushes....never to be Satied...increasingly sought after..never to escape and to neurologically change Brain Waves, Habits and. Behaviors....the NRA Stoking the GOP, Congress, Red State Legislatures, Political Rallies, Campaign Trails, Annual Meetings and Boards Social activities and Gun & Shooting Ranges with Bennies, $$$, and FREE and non-Firing/ShootingOpportunities to "Addict the Legislature & certain [unmentioned] Cults and. Cult-like behaviors of Indoctrination..complicit in devolving to the Lowest Common Denominator and the Sheer Number of Guns (Addiction).... The Disease of Pleasure, Chemically induced by our Human Biology and Intrenched in Place with $$$$, Greed and Federal, State, Local Municipalities held Hostage by The Original Genesis Root Cause:

Male Pleasure, Enshrined into Law - Worse - CULTURE...the Only Society on Earth

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Lovely pictures 📸

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