Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Gabrielle, I've followed your account for years and as a soon-to-be first time mom, I find your content more compelling than ever! I loved your book and bought it for friends, and this is the first time I've left an Amazon book review. Please let us know how else we can support you in increasing sales--this book is so important! Thank you for all you do and all your content!!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Here’s an idea for a marketing expert to run with: getting into the hands of fraternities. National fraternal organizations. They have leadership seminars and retreats, they have the prime intended audience -- not necessarily political, but young, (presumably) sexually active males. They get a lot of political messages at that age and stage of their education. Just a thought--not sure about how to get into them. But just an idea.

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I do think this book would go over well with boys! Maybe a campaign to get parents to buy it for their kids as they leave for college?

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I love my copy of the book, recommend it widely and would love to boost the volume of sales and hands it lands in. Could male centered places help? I’m thinking barbershops, gyms, college dorms, bars? Could amazing donors offer to buy books to be placed in these locations? What about a QR code on stickers with a link to buy the book, and the words “want better sex?” Anyway, just a fan and believer in the book and it’s message. Off to write my Amazon review!

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When is the bande dessinée coming out?

I happened upon Marie Pavlenko & Josephine Ontentiente’s “Moi, je veux être une sorciere: Ménopause : le dernier tabou” in FNAC in Lausanne and read the whole thing on the train ride home. Quite graphic, possibly for all the people around me in the crowded train. People were looking.

I’m thinking that Ejaculate Reponsibly could do well in this format 🤔🤔🤔

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This is brilliant. I actually had an editor suggest this for a book as graphic novels are so popular. (Great for visual thinkers or those who don't really read much.) Teaming up with a super talented cartoonist might be a strategy.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I just dropped off my copy in a high traffic little free library on Monday, figured it wasn't changing any minds sitting on my shelf. I'm hoping it's gone the next time I walk by it!

Now you've got me thinking if I could buy several copies and leave them in lots of little free libraries around my city . . .

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I'm not a fan of Oprah anymore but whenever she picks up a book or other people seems to find the as well.

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I lost some words and wrote in a hurry but you got the gist. When Oprah talks about a book or certain people, her audience wants to read that book and follow the authors/writers/influencers etc. And she has a vast audience so I guess you can reach a lot of people through her.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Just purchased a copy to gift -- let’s get those numbers up!

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Also wrote my first Amazon review!

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For once I'm proud to be from SC! After hearing the Kelce brothers broach the topic of the mental load on their podcast recently, maybe this is a book they need to promote to get it in the hands of football fans everywhere.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Apologies that my review wasn't published from when I first wrote it. I'm not sure how that happened, but I encourage others to check even if you think you wrote a review. It could possibly be sitting there unpublished.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

It's published now by the way! :)

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Dig it. As I read your disappointment, I began thinking, too, about how we measure the impact of media on dialogue in the Age of Viral Social Media Posts and DMs. Are sales numbers the only or best way? IDK. IDC. I just bought it on Amazon ... even though I feel like I don't need to read the book because yes of course it's beyond time for a shift in perspective on how women will be valued. But here's the thing. I bought it. I'll read it. Nothing to lose.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I'm sure your publishers have thought of this but famous book clubs? I think Reese's Book Club is just for fiction but can you try and get into other ones of people with profile. Did the Guardian UK review it? They have a wide reach.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

A semi-related comment— a little over a week ago I was checking BN.com to see if my local store had another copy of your book, and was shocked to see it had no reviews! So I wrote one, and repeatedly hit the “submit” button without success.. eventually I wrote “v@gina” and “sp3rm” instead of the actual terms and that fixed it. But #1, that is SO dumb; and #2, it was not obvious that was the ‘problem’, so I wonder if this barrier has led to fewer reviews being successfully submitted, on this and other sites.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

What about contacting student organisations at large universities? Not sure in the US if they have them and if they advocate for student wellbeing including sexual health issues. In the UK they're called student unions and each university has one.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Taylor Swift or Dua Lipa - get them to plug it!

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Dear Gabrielle, Thank you for sharing these words. Last night I wrote a review for Ejaculate Responsibly, and I've just sent an email to Fresh Air requesting someone on the team interview you! In case readers here might do the same, heres' the link to write to many of the NPR shows: https://help.npr.org/contact/s/contact?request=Send-a-story-idea&show=NPR.org

It's possible to write the same email to all the shows that might cover the book and its engaging author!

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You need the Barbenheimer marketing team. (I'm not being sarcastic.)

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& I apologize this isn't helpful (unless, you actually can tap the network to find those marketing mavs and get them working for you.)

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