Yes to retreat in Normandy. : ) Impossible to resist. Yes to renovation show, though renovation corruption is terrifying and very real. (I once had to write a large check to another vendor in order to get my contractor to finish my long-paid-for renovation of a house I was desperate to sell.) Always lovely to hear your voice in my in-box. Happy new year! <3

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Annie F Downs (That sounds fun podcast) has a podcast and she also has a whole "system" where she supports/promotes/business with other podcasters. Worth looking into her podcast network.

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Happy New Year and thank you for giving us all peace of mind in the last 2 years with your thoughtful renovation footage! You have genuinely developed so many preferences in this process (tiles, appliances, light fixtures, etc)...I would be happy to see you supported by any of these brands as sponsors (and really anyone else you need, too).

Also--yes, I so curious about sponsorship--please write a post!

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Hi Gabrielle from another Gabrielle! :)

I'm not usually a commenter but one of my own new year's resolutions is to engage more with creators and influencers who brighten my day! I'm so excited for all your plans.

- a normandy retreat sounds like a dream!

- I would love to watch an indie-produced home reno show on youtube or via some kind of monthly paid subscription (patreon?). Having lived through my own renovation a few years ago, I appreciate the slow, intentional process. Kind of like "This Old House" rather than a slick makeover!

- yes to sponsored posts! Often sponsored posts can help me learn about products I wouldn't have heard about before. If the product isn't for me, that's ok too.

Take care and happy new year!

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YES to Normandy retreat, please! It sounds brilliant and much needed.

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If I had the budget for a Normandy retreat, I’d be there! Yes to a newsletter about sponsors, affiliates, etc.

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No problem with sponsored ads - I want to watch the small house get renovated :) Love your blog.

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Hi there! Very similar to your story about the renovation show, Amanda from I.Am.Baker was approached about a tv show and eventually decided to produce a YouTube video series herself. May be worth connecting with her about how did found her own production team, the self-promotion, etc. https://iambaker.net/category/food-blogging-diaries/

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Yes and more yes to your 2022 thoughts, ideas, contemplations. I’m truly loving being a small part of your around the globe collective fans and supporters. Sign me up for your Normandy retreat! My sister said to me earlier this week, after I sent her an article on the things France does better than U.S., she said “I’m taking you to France and we’ll stay at my friends castle and vineyard in Strasbourg”. I’ve never been-spent my travels in Asia-and after I said yes-I asked her “how far is Normandy from the castle?I want to meet Gabrielle Blair …And today…you suggest a Normandy retreat! And so it is…Universe confirmation gift

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Hi Gabrielle! I don’t want to be a negative Nancy but you asked for our thoughts so here I go. I really really don’t like sponsored ads in my favorite Instagram content. I actually feel like for your account especially it might feel contrary to the message you send and the beautiful calming feeling I get from your content. XOXO

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A retreat in Normandy would be amazing! As a Travel Advisor, I would suggest that you work with a professional to handle all of the details and make sure your guests purchase travel insurance.

So excited to see the work on the Small House. I hear you on the show concerns. I'm absolutely obsessed with Grand Designs and Great House Revival (from the UK and Ireland). They are so different than shows produced here in the US. They may give you some format ideas if you decide to more forward.

One tiny question. I love that drying rack - but I'm curious if it "leans" if you don't have a balanced load on it. They hanging mechanism appears to be only in the middle - which I would think would be a bit unstable. Can you explain??

Thanks so much for all of your amazing content. I know that it's an incredible amount of work and I so appreciate it!! Happy New Year!

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Happy new year! I think you should do whatever you feel like for this blog. You have good judgement and writing and sharing content is work. If you use sponsored posts, so be it. You have so many good ideas; I look forward to seeing what you put out into the world.

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In regards to doing a renovation show I recommend looking for a UK producer over a US one. The UK seems to embrace to the slow, historically minded process to renovating these century’s old homes that just doesn’t exist in the US. Yes, they may present some difficulties for distribution in the US but I would think there is enough cross-pond streaming access to make it happen. The UK shows generally seem to be more hands-off when it comes to the project details and more just send a production crew to document the journey. See shows like Grand Design, Great House Revival, Escape to the Counrty/Chateau DIY, and there are lots more you can find on YouTube. Just a thought.

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Yes, please, to the Normandy retreat! Sponsored posts - for crying out loud, yes! Wouldn't if be lovely if there were no ads/sponsored posts anywhere anytime? But you have to make a living, you've always been super transparent about it, and none of the sponsors seem out of place or as if they don't fit with your other content.

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Yes to newsletter about how content creators make money! The world changes so fast I feel this could be helpful and applicable even beyond IG and blogging specifically. And I for one would not mind sponsored content sprinkled in your IG (and understand the usefulness for funding other projects and content)!

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Regarding podcasts I’d check out Gretchen Rubin and the Onward Project. I think your values align pretty well and from the very beginning her podcast has been professionally produced and edited.

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