Aug 25, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Maybe everyone is a thousand times more tech savvy than me, but it may be helpful for readers to know that the subscription options pop up after you put in your email address and press "subscribe" -- happy to have finally done so and appreciate all the work that goes into writing and gathering!

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

A couple of unrelated questions: first, in order to fly from the US to Europe, did your children only have to show their CDC issued vaccination cards? I'm looking to travel to Europe soon and there is a lot of conflicting information. Second, do you plan to post a What to Wear post this fall? Thanks in advance!!

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I feel anger, rage, utter despair at the news coming from Afghanistan. It's like watching a slow moving 9/11.

I feel betrayed, duped, disappointed and have zero confidence in the people I voted for. Much as I would like to blame others, the guy in charge is responsible. May God help those poor people. I feel so helpless, I can do nothing.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

My wife and I are in the process of moving to Paris; she has a new position in her company that requires her (and therefore us) to live in Paris. This is our second go around in Paris, and this time we are looking for a home somewhere in Normandy. Would you be willing to talk/discuss/meet with us sometime? I don't mean to impose. But it would be greatly appreciated. stephenchardy@yahoo.com

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Lots of love from North Carolina, USA! I've loved following your family visit this summer and, of course, the Tall House Reno! I'm also feeling the weight, really a physical weight, of EVERYTHING happening this summer. I was reading about 'compassion fatigue' and I think that sums it up exactly. SO much happening directly to us (pandemic, work burnout, etc) AND everything happening in the world... it just feels like too much. I'm trying to figure out how to be engaged and help in whatever way is needed, while also protecting my own mental health for the sake of my son and family. It feels like too much is needed in too many places. I have my responsibility to my world, but more immediately to myself and my son and husband. I want to find the right balance, to NOT fall into a despair I can't get out of, but that just feels so difficult right now. I have hope that this Fall will bring a quiet on our world and healing.

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Gabrielle you are one of the most thoughtful humans I have ever encountered in this online world and reading about the Morman vax situation in your column today made me really curious about how you are able to continue to participate as a church member? You have made other comments over the years about patriarchy and rascism in your church. How do you reconcile your core beliefs with those of your church? Have you ever investigated placing your faith elsewhere? I ask this respectfully because I am in a situation where I have left the church I grew up in because I could not continue to worship knowing there was deeply entrenched sexism, homophobia, misogyny, and institutionalised sexual abuse. My parents are still devout even though they see and feel all of this. Our relationship has shifted, they feel I have shunned them as well my former church. I have found my church elsewhere and am very happy. Would you be accepting of your children choosing a different path?

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I would love a post completely devoted to the Mormon pandemic/vaccine/mask situation! It’s such an issue on a large scale and also for me personally it’s been a real struggle. Because how is it ok to “have agency” and “personal revelation” surrounding covid but not for LGBTQ+ positions, abortion, or even coffee and second piercings! That’s just a little of my feelings and I’d just love to hear your insight on the matter.

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Thank you, Gabrielle. My heart is heavy and these shares were enlightening. So grateful for you.

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

It’s very interesting to hear faithful members disregard the words of the prophet as it relates to the vaccine. The vaccine grants freedoms to all people by the cooperation of the majority. Perhaps members are more attached to their own freedom and less attached to their brother or sisters freedom? Is there a chance they have been taught that there are different rules and rewards for different people…? How can we be a chosen people when we are equalizing all by asking for masking and vaccines?

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

I’m reading this while glued to the tv watching Hurricane Ida slam the east side of our state. Our area was devastated by Category 4 Hurricane Laura and Delta within 6 weeks of each other almost exactly 1 year ago. The disaster fatigue is REAL. Many people in Southwest Louisiana are still living in campers in their driveways and still have tarps on their roofs because they’re still fighting insurance, and we’re feeling SO MUCH empathy for our neighbors to the east. We wouldn’t wish any of these disasters on anyone.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Gabrielle Blair

Please do explore the topics of Mormon vaccine/mask/Covid and leadership issues further. And thank you for continuing to use your platform in such a thoughtful and sincere way!

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