I’m still reeling from Friday’s Supreme Court news. Ben Blair and I took the family to a protest in Paris this weekend — it was organized in response to Roe v Wade being overturned, to show solidarity to women in the U.S., and around the world. I know it’s just a small thing, but it felt good to take some action, use our voices, and gather with people who want to fight for what’s right. And today, I get to share something else I’ve been working on in my efforts to fight for what’s right:
We need to talk about abortion in a whole new way.
For decades, our discussions and debates about abortion have been exhausting and frustrating and useless — a loop of endless debates about “when life begins”. I wanted to do something about that. My new book, Ejaculate Responsibly, turns the usual unproductive abortion debate on its head. It will give you 28 easy-to-understand arguments that will move the discussion forward to a clearer — and fairer — place. The book is on sale October 18th and available for preorder now:
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It’s hard to imagine a world that would consider criminalizing men’s actions in the way we freely legislate women’s bodies. And yet the cause of almost all abortions is an unwanted pregnancy. And men cause literally all unwanted pregnancies.
In this book, I shift the conversation from stopping abortion to preventing unwanted pregnancies, and I focus on the role men play in causing those unwanted pregnancies. This shift gets us out of the destructive cycle that’s centered on legislating women’s bodies, and delivers a healthier and doable path out of the abortion impasse.
I wrote this book to help readers clarify their thinking. It’s filled with information, stories, and new ways to approach this topic, that can have real-life impact and get us out of the usual dead-end cycles.
My hope is that this book will be read and discussed in health classes, in college lectures, in bookclubs, in families, and among friends. I hope it will be used to hold politicians accountable for what they say and do.
I worked hard to make the book approachable, and really enjoyable to read. And I worked with my publisher to keep the price low, so that it’s as accessible as possible.
If you’d like to support the book, pre-ordering a copy at one of the links above would be amazing (or maybe several copies if you’d like to share them — or give one to your senator!). Helping to spread the word about the book, or supporting its message in any way you can, is also a huge help.
You can learn more at bit.ly/Ejaculate-Responsibly.
P.S. — I’ll be putting together a Book Launch Group later this week. And I’d love to have you involved. If you think you might be interested, watch for more info in the next newsletter.
Yes! Preordered. I usually read via Kindle, but buying one to give to my grandnephew.
Preordering now. Your voice has been such a comfort through so many years of this debate. I am so grateful that you participate in the ways that you do.